A Taste of Honey

A Taste of Honey

the beatles

A taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine.

甜蜜的滋味呀 尝起来比美酒还甜蜜

I dream of your first kiss,and then,

我对你的初吻梦寐以求 然后

I feel upon my lips again,


A taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine.

甜蜜的滋味呀 尝起来比美酒还甜蜜

I will return,yes I will return,

我会再回来的 是的 我会回来的

I'll come back for the honey and you.


Yours was the kiss that awoke my heart,


There lingers still,'though we're far apart,

这种甜蜜依旧徘徊不散 虽然我们已经分隔天涯

That taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine.

那种甜蜜的滋味呀 尝起来比美酒还甜蜜

I will return,yes I will return,

我会再回来的 是的 我会回来的

I'll come back (he'll come back)for the honey (for the honey)and you.


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